If you answer these questions with a thumbs up, then fill in your details below and I'll be in touch!

  • I work in New Zealand or Australia
  • I am/was recently the most senior, dedicated, product person in the company, or division.
  • I do/did line manage other dedicated product people (typically Product Owners and/or Product Manager) or are planning to hire into these roles soon.
  • I am/was a member of a senior leadership team, working alongside other senior leaders/executives.

Once you become a member you will;

  • be invited to our fortnightly, online, drop-in sessions
  • be invited into Product Aotearoa's #cpo-connect group
  • have access to all drop-in session recordings
You profile link helps me quickly scan what you've been up to and make sure CPO Connect is the right group for you
Thanks! I'll be in touch :)
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